DUO — 
Double bicycle – double the pleasure!

DUO is a two-person disabled bicycle, but it is much more than just a bicycle. DUO is regained freedom, wind in your hair, red cheeks and real quality of life. DUO adds new experiences to the everyday life of many people who are e.g. walking-impaired or disabled.

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This version of the side-by-side bicycle works as two independent bicycles. When you cycle, the driver and passenger push the pedals independently of each other and you have the option of individually deciding which of the seven gears in both sides, you wish to use when riding.

The design of the DUO, with a drive and a passenger, means that even those who are severely walking-impaired or disabled may enjoy riding the bicycle.

The DUO is also available with an electric motor which we would recommend – and all models can be tailored to your specific needs.

Electric version w/ front wheel motor

The DUO bicycle is particularly known for its user-friendliness, flexibility and formidable roadability:

  • Easy to get on and safe to ride
  • Comfortable sofa seats which you can easily adjust forwards and backwards
  • Driven by both back wheels via rear axle differential
  • Extremely strong construction and a long working life of more than 10 years
  • Recognised rehabilitation aid

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